Sa 25.11
David Spittle is a poet, filmmaker and essayist. He has published four collections of poetry, «B O X» (HVTN, 2018), «All Particles and Waves» (Black Herald Press, 2020), «Rubbles» (Broken Sleep Books, 2022), and «Decomposing Robert» (Black Herald Press, 2023). Currently he is working on «How Eyes Rest (HVTN).
David runs an ongoing series of interviews with filmmakers talking-about-poetry and poets talking-about-film, the first volume «Light Glyphs» (Broken Sleep Books, 2021) includes interviews with John Ashbery, Guy Maddin, Andrew Kötting, Iain Sinclair, So Mayer, Lisa Samuels and many others.
At BONE W ORT David will show his film «Light Noise»: a fluctuating exploration of memory. David’s grandfather lived with the increasing disorientations of Alzheimer’s before his death and the film seeks to find, and then lose, a visual language that (mis)translates those experiences, repurposing David’s Grandfather’s 8mm film reels, collaged alongside new footage. The first part of the film premiered on BBC Arts in 2019, this will be the first public screening of the film in its entirety.
#encounter #language #memory
#English #DSGS